IWT Policies & Submissions

IWT Policies & Submissions

Recent IWT Submissions

2024 – Public Consultation on Review and Update of Wildlife Legislation

Irish Wildlife Trust Submission to Public Consultation on Wildlife Legislation


2024 – Common Fisheries Policy Evaluation: Call for Evidence

Irish Wildlife Trust Submission to CFP: Call For Evidence


2024 – Public Consultation for The Draft Fisheries Natura Plan for Mussel Seed in Castlemaine Harbour 2024-2029

Irish Wildlife Trust Submission to FNP Castlemaine Mussel Seed Fishery


2024 – Public Consultation on Better protecting sharks through sustainable fishing and trade

Irish Wildlife Trust Submission to Better protecting sharks through sustainable fishing and trade


2024 – Public Consultation on South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan for Offshore Renewable Energy

Irish Wildlife Trust Submission to SC-DMAP consultation


2024 – Public Consultation on Trawling Activity Inside the Six Nautical Mile Zone and the Baselines

Irish Wildlife Trust submission on 6nm trawling ban consultation


2024 – Public Consultation on Ireland’s Draft ORE Future Framework Policy Statement

IWT Future Framework Submission


2023 – Public consultation on aquaculture licences in Valentia Harbour/Portmagee Channel

Submission on AA for aquaculture licences in Valentia Harbour


2023 – South Coast DMAP consultation

IWT response to South Coast DMAP consultation


2023 – Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan II

IWT OREDP II consultation response


2023 – Consultation on the Fisheries Natura Plan 2023 – 2027 for mussel seed in the Irish Sea

Public consultation submission for the FNP for mussel seed fishery in the Irish Sea


2023 – Letter to the Joint Committee on Environment and Climate on the Rights of Nature as per the Citizens Assembly Report on Biodiversity Loss

Citizens Assembly & Rights of Nature


2023 – Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine consultation on management of deer in Ireland 

IWT submission to Deer Strategy


2023 – Pre-Legislative Scrutiny of the GENERAL SCHEME OF MARINE PROTECTED AREAS BILL 2022

Irish Wildlife Trust submission to the Pre-Legislative Scrutiny of the GENERAL SCHEME OF MARINE PROTECTED AREAS BILL 2022


2022 – Forest Strategy Implementation Plan 

Irish Wildlife Trust submission to the Forest Strategy Implementation Plan, November 2022


2022 – The Fourth National Biodiversity Action Plan

Read our Irish Wildlife Trust submission to NBAP 4


2022 – The Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss

Read our Submission to the Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss here


2022 – Coilte Strategic Vision for our Future Forest Estate

Read our Submission to Coilte Strategic Vision for our Future Forest Estate here


2022 – Marine Strategy Framework Directive Programme of Measures Consultation

Read our IWT Submission to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Programme of Measures Consultation here


2022 – Review of Ireland’s Heavily Modified Water Body Designations for the Third Cycle River Basin
Management Plan

Read our IWT Submission to the Review of Ireland’s Heavily Modified Water Body Designations here


2022 – Glenveagh National Park Woodland Management Strategy

Read our IWT Submission to the Glenveagh National Park Woodland Management Strategy here


2022 – The Draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2022-2027 [March 31st 2022]

Read the our IWT Submission on draft RBMP 2022 here


2022 – Letter to Russian and Irish authorities regarding the threat of offshore military exercises to marine biodiversity

Letter to authorities of the Russian Federation

Letter to MInister Coveney and Minister Noonan


2021 – aquaculture and fisheries submissions


2021 – Irish Wildlife Trust submission to CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027

Read the Irish Wildlife Trust submission to CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 here


2021 – IWT submission to “Expanding Ireland’s Marine Protected Area Network”

Read the IWT submission to Expanding Ireland’s Marine Protected Area Network here


2021 – IWT Agri-Food Strategy 2030 submission

Read our IWT Agri-Food Strategy 2030 submission here 


2021 – Irish Wildlife Trust submission to the Climate Action Plan

Read the Irish Wildlife Trust submission to the Climate Action Plan here


2021 – Review of the National Parks and Wildlife Service

Read the IWT submission on NPWS review


2021 – Peatlands Climate Action Scheme (PCAS) 

Read the IWT Submission to Peatland Climate Action Scheme


2021 – Fishing Opportunities Submission

Read the IWT 2021 Fishing Opportunities Submission


2020 – Budget Submission

Read the IWT 2020 Budget Submission here

2020 – First marine spatial plan for Ireland

IWT submission to the Draft National Marine Planning Framework

2020- Phase 1 of the second cycle of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Read the IWT Public consultation on MSFD here.

2020 – IWT submission to Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI)

Read the 2020 IWT submission to Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI)

2020 – IWT submission on Draft Agriculture Appeals Bill 2020

Read the 2020 IWT submission on Draft Agriculture Appeals Bill 2020

2020 – IWT 2021 Submission to the Fishing opportunities 2021

Read the 2020 IWT 2021 fishing opportunities here


2017 – 3rd National Biodiversity Action Plan

IWT Submission to the Draft National Biodiversity Action Plan

2017 – Submission to European Commission fishing opportunities for 2017

IWT’s submission to the European Commission’s fishing opportunities for 2017


IWT Policy Documents

Marine Protected Areas Policy

Read the IWT policy on MPAs here.


IWT Seaweed Harvesting Policy 2017

A policy document developed by the IWT in response to the large-scale commercial seaweed harvesting occurring along our coasts – IWT Seaweed Harvesting Policy


Code of Practice for Visitors of Coastal/Island Bird Colonies

The Irish Wildlife Trust and BirdWatch Ireland have developed a Code of Conduct for people visiting coastal/island bird colonies to help ensure that these special places remain special – for both birds and people. Read the full Code of Practice here.

Visitors to islands should be aware that it is illegal to disturb birds that are nesting by intrusive photography or getting too close to nests.


Wild Boar 

The IWT believes that wild boar should not be listed as an alien invasive species but is opposed to the illegal release of animals. We are in favour of a reintroduction programme that is in compliance with international norms. Read our IWT response to wild boar Risk Assessment here.


Wind Farms

The IWT is in favour of renewable energy projects that reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and address climate change. Such projects should be accompanied by relevant environmental reports and need to be located so that negative impacts to not occur to sensitive wildlife or protected areas.

Read our Wind Farm Policy


Balloon Releases and Pretty Litter

Read our Joint Policy with Irish Whale & Dolphin Group, Irish Seal Sanctuary & Birdwatch Ireland

The IWT is opposed to balloon and Chinese lantern releases as they present choking and entanglement hazards for wildlife, and litter our countryside and waters. Furthermore, lanterns can cause fires, false distress calls. We urge the public to consider alternative methods of celebration/fundraising.


Badger Culling & Introduction of a Vaccination Programme

The IWT believes that the badger cull should end immediately and be replaced with a combination of better bio-security on farms and a vaccination programme for badgers. We are particularly opposed to culling during the breeding season, which is inhumane, and would like to see an urgent assessment of the culling programme on the badger population.


Fox Hunting & Hare Coursing

The IWT is opposed to these cruel activities and believes they should be banned.


Fracking Policy

in partnership with Social Partnership Environment Pillar 

There should be no fracking until all the potential negative impacts to the environment are fully understood.


Deer Strategy

The IWT believes that a management plan for deer is required to minimise their environmental impacts. Culling may be a part of this but should only be a part of a long term management plan and should not proceed until accurate data are available on the size and location of deer in Ireland.


Sustainable Seas & OCEAN2012 Declaration

The IWT is campaigning for the creation of a network of effective marine protected areas along with legal status for marine fish and invertebrates in the Wildlife Act.

Read Our Ocean Wealth submission with the Environmental Pillar, our Review of Marine Protected Areas in Ireland, our information on Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries, our Guide to Sustainable Seafood or our policy in relation to Seals and Fishing.


Farmed Salmon in open cages

The IWT is opposed to farming salmon in the open sea due to the negative and unsustainable effects it has on the environment. We are also opposed to the labelling of same as ‘organic’ as it does not conform to the EC Regulation on organic salmon farming.