Take Action

The Irish Wildlife Trust works to create a better future for Ireland’s biodiversity by motivating and supporting people to take action to protect biodiversity.

To learn more about what you can do to help nature why not take one of the action below;

Attend an IWT Event > See event page here

Join the Irish Wildlife Trust as a member to support our work > Join here 

Contact your local IWT branch to meet a network of like-minded nature lovers > See local branch contact here


Below are more actions you can take right now to help fight biodiversity loss in Ireland

Call on Ireland’s Government to protect its seas 
Ireland’s biodiversity is reaching a tipping point. For decades, Ireland has lacked effective Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) — leading to widespread habitat degradation and an alarming decline in marine species. The now critically endangered angel shark population has plummeted by 90% since the early 1900s, while puffins face the threat of extinction. In fact, recent studies show that 65% of Ireland’s coastal habitats are considered ecologically unhealthy. That’s why we need your help.

Fair Seas Petition


Nature Restoration Law 
Let your government and Members of the European Parliament know you care and want to see nature restored now 


Nature Restoration Law



Ocean Action: Help us call for Marine Protected Areas that are free from harmful fishing!

Real Marine Protected Areas are within the EU’s grasp

Fishing nets as tall as a three-storey building and as wide as a football field scoop up the seabed everyday, even inside Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). During the week commencing 2nd of May, the EU parliament will vote on the adoption of a text that would bring the EU a lot closer towards ending harmful fishing inside MPAs. To show your support for proper ocean action, you can
1. Share our message on social media: Twitter; Facebook; Instagram
2. Sign this petition by our colleagues Oceana

Garden Action: Don't Mow, Let it Grow!

Photo credit: Grace Bettayeb

Take Action in the Garden and community – click here for details


Public Consultation: Forest Strategy

If you have a view on trees and forests in Ireland now is your chance to share them with the government. They have set up this short (c.15 mins) survey to inform a new vision for forests. Let your voice be heard



Public Consultation: Water Management Plans



Public Consultation: Marine Protected Areas

Take action on marine protection: Participate in the public consultation on Marine Protected Areas in Ireland!