The Branch was established in June 2011 with the partnership of the two Midland counties Longford and Westmeath. With the Lake County and Longfords’ array of unspoilt habitats the two to Midland counties have much to offer and be explored. The branch hopes to make people aware of these vast areas of natural beauty they have on their very doorsteps while maintaining the Irish Wildlife Trust’s aims to maintain and conserve wildlife.
The Branch is in the early days of its establishment made up of volunteers from both counties. Many of the volunteers were already involved in environmental groups from their individual counties and came together with the branch to hold many events through the year such as canal, bat, farm and bog walks that has participants of all ages. The branch gives the public the opportunity to see species they may have never encountered before such as events like our ‘Newts in Newtowncashel’ walk where we explored their habitat in the local area. We hope to keep encouraging an interest in our natural heritage in the future. The Branch would like to invite anyone interested in getting involved with the Longford/Westmeath Wildlife Trust be it a big or small input as part of our committee or joining us on our events to contact us for further information or if you would like to be contacted about any upcoming events, campaigns or meetings.
Contact Details:
Chat to us on Facebook and follow our activities and upcoming events.