WildArt Results

WildArt 2023 Results

Theme: Autumn Woodland Wonder

Age Category 6 and Under
Age Category 7 to 9yo
Age Category 10 to 12yo
Age Category 13 to 16yo


WildArt 2022 Results

Theme: Irish Wildlife Through the Seasons​

Age Category 6 and Under
Age Category 7 to 9yo
Age Category 10 to 12yo
Age Category 13 to 16yo


WildArt 2021 Results

Theme: The Irish Wildlife within my 5k

Age Category 6 and Under
 Age Category 7 to 10
Age Category 11 to 14

Age Category 15 to 18 

WildArt 2020 Results


We received a huge number of entries and our judges were very impressed by all the fantastic artwork.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter the competition.

We are happy to announce the winners of each theme and age category below. 

Theme A: My Favourite Irish Plants and Animals

Theme A: Age Category 6 and Under


Theme A: Age Category 7 to 10


Theme A: Age Category 11 to 14
Theme A: Age Category Age 15 to 18 

Theme B: Protecting Irish Wildlife – Land and Sea

Theme B: Age Category 6 and Under
Theme B: Age Category 7 to 10
Theme B: Age Category 11 to 14
Theme B: Age Category 15 to 18


We would like to thank you for all of the time and enthusiasm that you put into the WildArt competition. We are delighted to see the passion and concern for wildlife among Ireland’s youth and are very hopeful that this will allow us all to spread the message about how important Irish Wildlife is for us.