All Posts by Grace Carr

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Jun 17

Press Release: A Historic Day for Europe and Nature

Press Release   A Historic Day for Europe and Nature   17th June 2024   The EU Nature Restoration Law is finally passed by the EU Council of Environmental Minister’s after several years of negotiations   The EU Nature restoration Law which aims to restore 20% of EU land and 20% of EU seas was […]

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Feb 27

Nature Restoration Law passed by European Parliament

Press Release Nature Restoration Law passed by European Parliament 27th February 2024    The Irish Wildlife Trust welcomes the passing of the Nature Restoration Law and believes this is a substantial step forward on the way to restoring our degraded ecosystems. While the law has been weakened since the Commission’s original proposal back in 2022, it […]

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Oct 25

Environmental NGOs Rebukes Government For Slow Progress On Key Ocean Protection Legislation

Press Release Environmental NGOs Rebukes Government For Slow Progress On Key Ocean Protection Legislation Published: 25 October 2023 Fair Seas Coalition deliver 11,758 signature petition calling for urgent legislation A coalition of Ireland’s leading environmental NGOs has strongly criticised the government for failing to publish key legislation that would protect Irish seas and help tackle […]

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Jul 14

Irish Wildlife Trust welcomes new marine designations but warns that fisheries must be controlled if they are to be effective.

Press Release  Irish Wildlife Trust welcomes new marine designations but warns that fisheries must be controlled if they are to be effective. 14th July 2023   The Irish Wildlife Trust (IWT) welcomes the latest announcement of a large new Special Protection Area (SPA) in the north-west Irish Sea. SPAs are designated under existing legislation for the protection […]

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Jul 05

Judgement on European Commission vs. Ireland case

Ireland has lost a case brought to the European Court of Justice by the European Commission over its failure to implement the Habitats Directive. The judgement occurred on the 29th of June after a lengthy case and highlights Ireland’s consistent failure to protect nature on land and at sea.   Recap   In 2004, 423 […]

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Jun 15

MEPs have voted to keep the Nature Restoration Law alive and fought off attempts to quash it by the European People’s Party (Fine Geal’s European group).

Press Release MEPs have voted to keep the Nature Restoration Law alive and fought off attempts to quash it by the European People’s Party (Fine Geal’s European group) 15th June  2023   A key vote in Strasbourg has kept hopes alive for the livelihoods of millions of workers and the wellbeing of the planet. Voting […]

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Jun 07

Discussions on Control Measures for Fisheries reach a conclusion

Five years after the initial proposal to reform the EU Fisheries Control Regulation, the EU Council and Parliament have finally come to an agreement in trilogue negotiations on the European Commissions proposal. The EU Fisheries Control Regulation helps to ensure that the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) are followed by all those fishing […]

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Mar 30

Northern Ireland miles ahead of Republic in protecting inshore waters.

Northern Ireland miles ahead of Republic in protecting inshore waters by Grace Carr March 30th 2023 New fisheries management measures were enacted this year in Northern Ireland which will prohibit bottom trawling in nine inshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). There will also be measures put in place in these MPAs for static gear such as pot fishing. […]

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Mar 07

IWT response to MSFD Programme of Measures

IWT response to MSFD Programme of Measures March 7th 2023 New measures for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive are  welcome and needed if we are to achieve Good Environmental Status in all descriptors. It is therefore disappointing to see that some new measures are vague, non-committal and are inadequate for reaching Good Environmental Status.   ©Grainne […]

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Feb 23

New Irish Fishing Quota for Vulnerable Spurdog

New Irish Fishing Quota for Vulnerable Spurdog 23rd February 2023 A new Irish quota for the IUCN listed vulnerable spurdog (Squalus acanthias) for 1,874 tonnes was announced for 2023. Minister McConalogue stated that “When we reopen the fishery, measures will be put in place to require that larger spurdog are avoided to allow them to […]

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Jan 12

EU Nature Restoration Law – What does it mean for marine conservation?

EU Nature Restoration Law – What does it mean for marine conservation? What’s happening? In June 2022 the European Commission proposed the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) to bring nature back to Europe. This law has legally binding restoration targets for marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. The goal is to have 20% of land and sea ecosystems […]

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